
An invigorating source

You don’t need a degree in biology to understand that stagnant water doesn’t produce anything good. Bacteria multiply there, and so do odors! To be invigorating, water needs to be in motion. Just like our relationship with God.

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Venite Adoremus

“Come let us adore him,” says the popular holiday song “Adestes Fideles” (O Come, All Ye Faithful). The wise men came to adore the new king. But what exactly is it to adore? It’s much more than singing beautiful songs.

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Are you a liar?

Nobody will admit that they are a liar. Most of the time, liars do not even realize when they are lying! But a child of God should not indulge in this sin, especially when it comes to their relationships!

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Do your investigation!

Just because he’s handsome and goes to church doesn’t mean he’s the man of God sent by his angels to make you happy. We must be wise in our decisions and for that, it is necessary to ask real questions.

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Marry a divorced person?

God begins by guiding us into His perfect plan with His biblical principles. Then come our faults and those of others; pain and broken heart. But this is not the end. God’s perfect plan includes healing, forgiveness, and resurrection.

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A practice for heaven

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about heaven or what we will do during our eternity with God. But one thing is certain, we will always be in the Presence of God. Are you ready for this?

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Remember your promises

“Remember your word to your servant, because you gave me hope” (Psalms 119:49 WEB). We love to remind God of all the promises He makes to us. But what about the promises WE make?

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Looking inward

Here is an exercise we sometimes do at the end of the year or the beginning. However, taking time for daily introspection is a great habit to get into.

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An update on our love for Christ?

What has your devotional time been like lately? Do you spend loving times with Jesus or, if you find time to pray, is it out of obligation? Sometimes it’s good to stop and evaluate our hearts.

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Enter into God's rest

We are solicited from all sides, so much so that we can forget to rest. Not only to rest our body but also our soul and our spirit. Yet God promises us that His rest is our strength.

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