
Are you a burden or a relief for others?

On our social media, we find grumpy cats extremely cute. But when it comes to a cat that we have to take care of, and he stubbornly refuses our care it’s less cute. It’s even a burden. Are you the same?

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How to react to a breakup?

A few weeks ago, we gave you some tips on how to break up with grace and respect when a relationship does not work. Now, what if we are the ones getting the bad news?

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“Chemistry” in a Christian Context

We sometimes hear singles talk about their past relationships saying, “She was wonderful, but there was no chemistry between us”. What is this “chemistry” and do we really have to rely on it when we are Christian?

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The good fear

We know that living in fear is not God’s plan for our lives. Our Heavenly Father wants to see us fulfilled and free. But the Bible still encourages us to have a fear, that of the Lord. You have to be afraid of God? Not quite.

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The destructive wave of anger

When we are angry, we are no longer rational. We may say or do things that we later regret. Anger is inevitable, but it must be tamed if we don’t want to drown in its destructive wave.

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Getting out of a relationship with grace

The time of dating is there to see if we are ready to live with this person forever. Sometimes we realize, no, this relationship can not continue. So how to break up with someone while minimizing the damage?

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Ask instead of assuming

How many times have you come to a conclusion about a situation, or worse, about a person, without even asking a few questions to see if your assumptions were valid? We have all made this mistake. It’s time to put a stop to that.

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The divine dictionary

In our human and limited vision, we often forget that the definition that God gives to certain notions is very different from ours. It is when we consult the “divine dictionary” that we find the right balance.

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How do you know if it's the right person?

It’s one of the biggest decisions of our life. As children of God, we know that there is no turning back. So we want to be sure to marry the right person. What are the signs to look for?

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Forgive and be reconciled

What he did broke your heart. You must forgive him, as Christ has prescribed. But to forgive him, must he apologize? And if the relationship between you two changes, does that mean you have not forgiven?

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