
The Era of Superwomen

We rarely do this at Mode Observation, but this week we want to speak specifically to women. By wanting to be super women, we hurt our relationships. A little adjustment is needed.

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If you are going to do something, do it with excellence!

It is easy to drag our feet and fall into neglect in different areas of our lives. But negligence attracts negligence. So it pays to roll up our sleeves, listen to the way of the Holy Spirit, and act with excellence.

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Having a chaperone ... is it relevant?

The young couples that date under the eye of a chaperone is rare. By the way, it’s not even a Bible practice. Yet in many Christian circles, we still hear about it. So, do we leave that in the past, or is it still wise to use it?

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No more secret agents!

Because they are afraid of being judged, ridiculed, or scorned, some Christians do not dare to speak about their faith. They are the “secret agents” of Christianity. Yet testifying to our faith and preaching the Word need not be a daunting practice.

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Leaving the past behind

Jesus died on the cross and was buried, but He didn’t stay there. We celebrate Easter to remind ourselves that Jesus has risen, that He is alive, and that we too can live in His resurrection.

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It's so easy to blame someone else!

When a situation does not go the way we wanted, one of the first human reactions is to find someone responsible. And we are ready to blame anyone, even God!

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We love to talk a lot about God’s love, peace, and favor. And all of this is true! But we must not forget that we are also soldiers on a mission to destroy the works of the devil!

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Be ready for the return of Jesus

Several times in His ministry, Jesus told His disciples to be ready for the end so as not to miss the coming of the glory of God. Hundreds of years later, that message still applies. And we, are we ready?

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It's not always the thought that counts

Sometimes we make a gesture with good intentions, but it is poorly received. We thought we were being generous, and the other person was offended. What can we do? And most importantly, can we prevent these confusing reactions?

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Dating without thinking about marriage

“No, we’re not thinking of marriage, we are just getting to know each other.” A phrase we hear often and looks good, but it can be very dangerous.

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