
It's so easy to blame someone else!

When a situation does not go the way we wanted, one of the first human reactions is to find someone responsible. And we are ready to blame anyone, even God!

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We love to talk a lot about God’s love, peace, and favor. And all of this is true! But we must not forget that we are also soldiers on a mission to destroy the works of the devil!

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Be ready for the return of Jesus

Several times in His ministry, Jesus told His disciples to be ready for the end so as not to miss the coming of the glory of God. Hundreds of years later, that message still applies. And we, are we ready?

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It's not always the thought that counts

Sometimes we make a gesture with good intentions, but it is poorly received. We thought we were being generous, and the other person was offended. What can we do? And most importantly, can we prevent these confusing reactions?

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Dating without thinking about marriage

“No, we’re not thinking of marriage, we are just getting to know each other.” A phrase we hear often and looks good, but it can be very dangerous.

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How to revisit the past without falling back?

When we decided to follow Jesus, we also abandoned certain destructive habits. But what if our old friends come back to visit us? How to stay the course?

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The role of women in marriage

In an era where women rightly claim equality and recognition in all kinds of areas, the Bible’s teachings on the role of women in marriage can sometimes create a fiery debate. Still, we have to talk about it, right?

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The role of a man in marriage

The worst mistake to make while dating or even getting married is to make that commitment without really knowing what we are doing. So let’s talk about it! What is the role of a man in marriage?

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Back to basics

We can easily get lost in theological debates and very complex doctrinal questions. Expanding our Bible knowledge is great practice, but sometimes it’s good to go back to basics: loving God.

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Do you see it?

We are so easily distracted. We have a project to finish, but we get lost in the short videos our social media offers us. No wonder that we also lose sight of the Kingdom of God around us.

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