
The importance of our new identity

Life can go by so quickly that we sometimes forget who we really are. We take all kinds of titles that we believe are important. Yet it is our identity in Christ that silences our worries.

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Declutter our life

Every beginning of the year comes with different challenges. Those to lose weight or get back in shape, those to save money or to realize our dreams. And there is also a popular challenge in the last few years, that of decluttering.

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Four relationships to avoid

Do you want to get married? Wonderful, but be careful. Just because someone says they are in love with you, that doesn’t mean they are a good candidate for marriage! Some relationships can even be toxic!

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Do you feel qualified for this?

When we place our lives in God’s hands and are willing to serve Him where He desires, He sometimes gives us challenges that seem beyond our abilities. But let us rest assured: if He calls us, He also equips us for success.

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Prepare the way, straighten His paths

We are all waiting for an answer from God in one area or another in our lives. If we have faith that He will answer, we must prove it by preparing our hearts to receive this blessing.

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Dating someone with a complicated past

She had several partners and just as many abortions. He used to be homosexual. They then accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and their lives changed. But they have a heavy past. Can this complicate your relationship?

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What is marriage?

When we are dating, we obviously think of marriage. But to make sure you have a strong marriage, you need to commit for the right reasons. Let’s see what the Bible says about it.

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Finish as a champion

Starting a new project is relatively easy. What is difficult is to finish it. Even more. The ultimate challenge is to finish our project with grace and brilliance. To achieve this, the Bible is the reference tool par excellence!

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"Forgive me…"

Nobody likes to show their weaknesses. No one wants to admit their mistakes. Yet, God encourages us to remain humble and recognize our shortcomings. Are you able to do this?

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For generations to come

We have many dreams and get disappointed or even angry when they don’t come true. Rarely do we view all of this from an eternal perspective. However, life does not end with us.

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