
No plan B with God

We sing beautiful songs to our God, telling Him that we surrender ourselves to Him, that He is our King. But daily, is He our God or just one source among many others?

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When a blessing becomes a stumbling block

Our Heavenly Father is so generous. When we follow His ways, He leads us into wonderful blessings. But let’s be careful, if we don’t take good care of these beautiful fruits of God, they can rot and poison our lives.

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Moving in together before marriage?

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for unbelievers to move in together before getting married. But what about Christians? Should God’s children refrain from cohabiting before being married?

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Abstinence before marriage: is it Biblical?

“No sex before marriage” is a principle strongly promoted by all Christian churches. Yet some people point out that there is no verse in the Bible that says we shouldn’t have sex before marriage. Is it right to believe that God reserved sex for marriage?

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Witnesses to its splendor

Everything God has created is wonderful. It is a way to remind us of God’s love and power. But we are His creation aswell: does our life lead those around us to praise God?

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The need for a mentor

We live in a world of information. We swim in an abundance of knowledge. So much so that we no longer see the need for a mentor. Yet the Bible strongly encourages this practice.

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When I meet the right person everything is easy ... right?

Is your new love relationship rather complicated? Some will tell you that if it is difficult, it is because it does not come from God. Others believe that opposition is a sign that you are on the right path. Which do you believe?

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3 signs that confirm that you are filled with the Holy Spirit

“Is that what a Christian is?” Some unbelievers sometimes doubt when looking at the lives of those who claim to be born again. To truly be Christ-like, we have no other options: we must be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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4 questions to consider when setting our limits

When it comes to sexuality when dating, the Bible is not very precise. It clearly says not to have intercourse, but what about kisses, touches, etc.? How far can we go?

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Dare to speak!

Yes, the prayer of the righteous is very effective. But sometimes God also asks us to use the beautiful voice He has given us to show His love, to express our needs and feelings, and to defend ourselves.

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