
The Man of Proverbs 31

This well-known passage in the Bible is usually discussed in women’s conferences. After all, this chapter is about the virtuous woman. But by taking the time to study the passage carefully, we realize that it also speaks about men!

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What to do with a boyfriend's best friend?

The woman is discouraged. The man she is dating seems to put his best friend before her. However, the man says he is really in love with her. Should she give him an ultimatum: “Me or your friend?”

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Making a good first impression

Last week we were talking to the women, this week it’s the men’s turn. We want to be accepted and respected for who we are, but that doesn’t mean we can slack off. A little effort in our presentation is necessary.

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We’re losing daylight

How much time do any of us have left in this life? When is it finally time to do what you know you are supposed to do? How long are we going to make God wait before we start working with Him on the plan He prepared for us?

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