Conquer our fears

By Pst Beaudry January 14, 2022

When we are dating, we are often afraid that this relationship will end dramatically. So we are walking on eggshells. However, if we fix our eyes on the Lord, we will find the courage to be ourselves.

So many opportunities in life are missed because we cannot overcome our fears. We want to go out and do something exciting, but the fear of failing or looking silly makes us take a break. The story of Caleb and Joshua shows us how to overcome feelings that bother us and seize the opportunities that are available to us. “Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it. But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we” (Numbers 13:30-31 NKJV).

Moses sent twelve men to spy on the land. Only two returned convinced they could conquer. Ten other men saw the obstacles and got scared. Too often, we let go of what God wants to do in our lives because we view the obstacles as too great or difficult. We never take into account the fact that our God is much greater than these obstacles and that he has no problem with them. We look at our resources and think we can’t do it. Fear always conquers us if we allow it to take hold of us.

Fear makes us miss so much. We know from the Scriptures that ten men convinced millions not to take the land. God was not happy, and because of that, these people never entered the Promised Land. They were sentenced to forty years of wandering in the desert. The only two entering were Joshua and Caleb. It wasn’t that Caleb and Joshua weren’t afraid, they just knew that their God was much greater than their enemy.

We can overcome our fears. We can overcome all doubts by simply turning to the Lord for our help. The first step is always the most difficult. Before taking it, let us ask Jesus to give us the determination and the courage to move forward. Once we have taken these first steps, let’s make sure that we are not relying on our strength, but on his. Do not get overwhelmed. Let’s take it step by step and watch God do the heavy lifting for us.

It went pretty well for Caleb and Joshua. They were able to enter the Promised Land forty years later, with more strength and energy than they had when they were spies. God blessed their courage and their faithfulness. Let’s go ahead with what God has for us today and watch him provide us with everything we need. Let’s not fear overcome us.