We’re losing daylight

By Tobi August 12, 2022

How much time do any of us have left in this life? When is it finally time to do what you know you are supposed to do? How long are we going to make God wait before we start working with Him on the plan He prepared for us?

We often look at our to-do list and pick the things we need to do today, and the rest well they will be done tomorrow, next month, eventually. But do we pick our priorities properly, or are we looking for the best way to serve ourselves? David had a profound realization of his life (Psalms 39:4-5 WEB). Our lives are short, so what should we do? Be wise. David prayed for wisdom (Psalms 90:12 WEB). Solomon reminds us that wisdom is good for our lives and souls (Proverbs 19:8 WE ), and Paul advises us to be careful how we live and to be wise (Ephesians 5:15-17 WEB and Colossians 4:5 WEB).

However, even the practice of making our list and deciding what comes next is an exercise in vanity. James admonishes fellow believers for doing just that (James 4:13-17 WEB). We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, next month, or next year. However, we can rely on God because He does know all the good, the bad, and the ugly that will happen in the future (Matthew 6:24-34 WEB). So when He has placed something on our hearts to do, and we push it off, again and again. We are sinning, as James says in verse 17. So what can we do? What can I change today?

One thing we can start doing today, and something we should make a daily habit, is to take our eyes off the world and put them on Jesus. “Therefore let’s also, seeing we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let’s run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:1-2 WEB) Not the race we have our eyes on or other people try to push us to. But the race that God has prepared for us. Paul reminds us not to waste time with mere busywork (Ephesians 5:11 AMP), we should be productive building His Kingdom and taking care of what He desires most, people. When we commit to doing this daily, we become more like Jesus and know what the will of God is for our lives (Romans 12:1-2 WEB). Jesus wanted to do the Father’s will even more than eating food (John 4:33-40 WEB) and He let us know that we are invited to join God’s ongoing plan. His plan didn’t start with us, and will continue after us.

So what can we plan to do tomorrow, next month, and next year? Discipline ourselves. We plan to keep our eyes on Jesus every day, follow the gentle prompts and guidance of the Holy Spirit, and enjoy the work that the Father has given us today. Solomon’s God-given wisdom reminds us of just that (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 WEB). Jesus died so that we could have a real life with God (Romans 6:10-14 WEB) and not struggle with all the terrible things that could happen in this life. Worrying about what will happen, about changes in nations, culture, our relationship status; they all multiply our troubles as we will re-live them multiple times in our head even if they never happen (Matthew 6:24-34 WEB).

Jesus calls us to Himself because He has our best interests at heart. He wants to care for us, and see us flourish (Matthew 11:28-30 WEB). Let us not waste time with what we see around us, but follow where Jesus takes us.