Prepare the way, straighten His paths

By Caro December 23, 2022

We are all waiting for an answer from God in one area or another in our lives. If we have faith that He will answer, we must prove it by preparing our hearts to receive this blessing.

At the beginning of December (sometimes even from the beginning of November!), the stores bring out their Christmas decorations. It’s a great time of year to bring the kids to the malls with their eyes wide in amazement. They will also quickly draw up their list of gifts by seeing all the novelties put forward in the windows. The children enter an exciting time of waiting, with their eyes fixed on December 25th. Parents plan shopping, wrapping, special meals, etc. It is sometimes even exhausting for adults.

For Christians, Christmas is the birthday of our Saviour. And like any other birthday we are happy to celebrate, we can also prepare this party with a lot of anticipation. This time of preparation is Advent, whether it is very traditional or adapted to the tastes of the day. A time of year when Christians take the time (or should take the time) to reflect on their core values, and what Jesus' coming changed in their lives.

The people of God were also in the same season of their life without knowing it. The Israelites had been waiting for years for the coming of their Messiah: the one who would deliver them from the Romans. They had cried out to God for years, and now He was ready to give them a Saviour. Not exactly as they hoped, but a genuine solution to all worries. And since they did not know the date of the coming of this blessing, the prophet John the Baptist had the mission to prepare them. “For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight” (Matthew 3:3 KJV).

How were they to prepare to receive their salvation? By making room in their hearts, and putting aside anything that might distract them from their calling.

And that hasn’t changed for all the other blessings we’ve asked God for. Have you asked God for a solid marriage? Perfect! Now demonstrate your faith in the power of God by preparing your heart and doing a major housecleaning in your life. Have you asked God for a new job? Show Him that you trust Him in that area by preparing your heart and cleaning up your life (or schedule!). Did you ask for health? Clean up your habits. Have you requested the financial provision? Clean up your budget.

The Israelites in Bethlehem were not preparing. They were so busy with current affairs, that they had no time to recognize their salvation. The fact that there was no more room in the hotel to welcome Mary, Joseph, and their unborn child, was a beautiful image of the lack of preparation of their hearts. When we, as well, are too busy with worldly affairs, we might also miss the answer we’ve been waiting for so long.

Don’t get distracted. If you are convinced that you are in the Advent season of your marriage, ask God how you can prepare your heart and what cleaning you must do so that your future marriage will glorify the Lord.