6 essentials to protect

By Caro September 8, 2023

Our dating time is not a risk-free project. We must not go head first without protecting certain essential parts of our lives.

It’s easy to lose our balance when we’re in love. We can become so invested in the process that several important areas of our lives will suffer. Here is a short list of things to watch out for.

  1. We must protect our relationship with God
    He is probably the most neglected person in our lives when we choose to prioritize our social status. Yet we all know that God must always remain on the throne of our hearts, especially when we are ready to enter into a relationship. If we allow ourselves to be tempted by sin, we will more than likely take the same position as Adam and Eve in the garden, and hide from God. That is a devastating mistake. The best strategy the enemy has to destroy us is to move us away from our source of protection. Therefore, we must always remain on our guard (2 Peter 3:14 WEB) and always prioritize our relationship with God. A good way to do this is to continually talk to God about the steps we take, our encounters, and our emotions. Serving in a ministry at our church is also another good way to help us stay close to the heart of God, despite the excitement of our souls. It also helps us by having someone watching us.

  2. Protect our relationships with others
    Your friends and family are very important in your life. Usually, they are the ones that help you keep a balance and allow you to see the pitfalls that you do not see because you are blinded by love. Never isolate yourself when you start dating a special person. Instead, quickly present the relationship to your inner circle, so they can help you evaluate it. Your entourage is also there to support you and motivate you; enjoy them and take good care of these relationships.

  3. Protect our heart
    All Christian singles have heard the verse: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:23 WEB). Indeed, it is important to hold the impulses of our hearts and not throw ourselves too quickly into a love story. Another verse makes this recommendation very well. “I adjure you, daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up, nor awaken love, until it so desires” (Song of Songs 8:4 WEB). For that, it is good to talk on the subject with God. Also, take just a few steps so our imagination doesn’t place us on an unrealistic cloud.

  4. Protect our dreams
    When we’re madly in love, it is tempting to lower our standards, to compromise. It is good to evaluate our list of criteria that may actually need adjustment. But if you are tempted to withdraw your non-negotiable criteria or your essential criteria, you are killing your dreams and your future. Protect your faith, and your hope and resist the temptations that the enemy whispers in your ear. Remember, he only wants to destroy you!

  5. Protect our thoughts
    We must hold onto our heart so that it does not get carried away. But we must also protect our thoughts so that we do not accept discouragement. We have difficulty complimenting ourselves, and it is so easy to be harsh on ourselves. We often tend to dramatize everything that happens to us, which never leaves us in a positive state. If the thoughts you have are not uplifting, encouraging, or conforming to what God says about you in His Word (Philippians 4:8 WEB), it means that these thoughts are probably not from your Heavenly Father: do not accept them.

  6. Protect our children
    Finally, for all those who already have children from a previous relationship, you must consider the well-being of your children in choosing your future partner. Being an example during your dating will protect their vision of a couple according to God. Even if you have made mistakes in the past, you can still show them the right way by following God’s precepts yourself.