What God is doing behind the scenes

By Caro February 23, 2024

We have been waiting for the answer to our prayer for a very long time. Has God forgotten us? Why is He not acting? Frustration can build quickly. What if God was working…out of our field of vision?

Do you remember, when you were still single, you certainly went through these questions and these emotions? You had prayed to meet the rare pearl, and when there was no one on the horizon, you had sometimes felt sadness or sometimes anger. At other times, you wondered what you could have done wrong, that this prayer hadn’t been answered yet. However, this impression of silence or indifference on the part of God is not unique to singles. Sick Christians also go through the same emotions, as impoverished Christians and all those whose challenges seem to drag on forever. That may still be your case but for a different need.

Even Jesus went through this. At the Mount of Olives, He asked His Father to spare Him the suffering to come, and He got no answer. On the cross, Jesus even felt like God had abandoned Him. Therefore, Jesus understands our feelings very well and is the perfect intercessor. It is a consolation to know that we are not alone in these torments, and also another consolation to have good sources of encouragement around us. Someone here needs to hear this encouraging word:

“Just because you don’t see God working doesn’t mean He’s not working for you.”

Even though our circumstances remain the same, God is at work in our lives. We are continually in God’s thoughts, He has not retired! In John 5:17, Jesus reminds us that God is working “to this very day” (NIV), and the apostle Paul also confirms that God has not finished His work in us. “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6 NIV). We see the Holy Spirit operating in the Church through the multiple gifts (1 Corinthians 12:6).

Even at night, God’s favor pursues us. “I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip, he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (Psalm 121:1-4 NIV).

Receive this encouragement today. Even if your situation is not progressing the way you want, that does not mean that you are at a neutral point. Even if your prayer doesn’t seem answered, that doesn’t mean God is deaf or ignoring you. No, God listens, God cares, and God answers. He does not always respond as we desire, but if we are truly alert to recognize Him, we will notice His gentle hand quietly transforming our character. We will see the doors He opens to introduce us to new friendships and the victories He gives even if we forget to thank Him. Our perseverance produces inner strength that is also an answer to our prayer (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).

There are many other areas where we do not see everything that is done behind the scenes. We forget all the people who work to allow us to have electricity in our homes. Just because we don’t see them working doesn’t mean they’re not there! It’s the same with God. Just because He is busy resolving international conflicts does not mean He no longer has time for us. He is omnipresent, so He can be there and here with us at the same time. It’s all the little transformations, victories, and edifications that God gives us along the way that are the answers to our prayers.

“Just because you don’t see God working doesn’t mean He’s not working for you.” Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to see all the little touches of God in our daily lives, to help us see… behind the scenes!