How can we plan our vacations while we are dating?

By Caro May 24, 2024

When we are dating, we are not yet married! So we don’t have to plan our vacations like couples around the world do. For God to bless our relationship, you don’t have to take a vacation from your standards!

When we are in love, we want to spend a lot of time together, that’s normal. But be careful, dating time is a time in your relationship when you get to know each other, a time when you find out if you are ready to serve this other person on a daily basis. Dating time is not a practice of married life! Sexual relations were created by God to create a strong attachment between two individuals who are committed to each other in the bonds of marriage. If we have sex before marriage, the bond is created and becomes very difficult to undo if we realize after a while that we are not right for each other. That is one reason why sexual relations must remain within the context of marriage.

Going on a trip alone together is therefore totally not recommended. You will have your whole married life to make such trips! If you absolutely have to travel, for example, if the parents of one of the two partners are in another city, plan to have a separate room. Ideally, stay in your parents' house: it will be easier to keep your cool knowing that the parents are nearby. If you have to travel for another reason, and there are no more parents in the picture, ask one or two friends to accompany you. The idea of a chaperone may seem old-fashioned, but it’s a great way to keep your vows, and therefore, keep your relationship blessed.

So what can you do on your vacation?

You can go on a trip on your own. After all, this may be your last opportunity to travel with friends! A week apart will allow you to reflect on your relationship.

You may also choose to stay in town and spend your time together serving at a local church or other charitable organization. They often need extra hands to take on some renovations, and working together to build or renovate will teach you a lot about your partner’s character!

Why not take the opportunity to discover beautiful parks in your city and go read a book there together? Hearing your partner’s soft voice reading the book will definitely be a highlight of your romance. If it is a book of Christian edification, you will grow spiritually: what more could you ask for?

Or, you could offer to help a single mother (or father)? Offer to pick up their children for a day and go with them to a family destination: water park, amusement park, zoo. You will see how your partner copes with children! Even grumpy teenagers will be happy to go to the water slides!

Participate together in festivals or fairs in your city. Invite friends over for dinners at home (especially your single friends, who probably miss you). Take a dance, cooking, or water sports class! You can even ask to do free internships in different companies like dog grooming businesses, nurseries, and different farms! The possibilities for learning are endless!

So don’t isolate yourself as a couple this summer! Plan an exciting vacation today while maintaining your standards of holiness!