Be wise and harmless, because Jesus asks us to

By Caro June 7, 2024

It is rare in the Bible that we read about the great qualities of a serpent! So when Jesus asks us to imitate them, it should surprise us enough to make us think. What does this passage teach us?

As Jesus sent His disciples out to spread the Good News of the Kingdom to the surrounding villages, He gave them this amazing instruction. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16 NKJV). A little Lexicon research teaches us a course of action to take to remain faithful to God. The word translated as “wise” in English comes from the Greek word “phronimos” which means: to think carefully, to calculate our actions. That is the same word used in Matthew 7:24 when Jesus tells us to be smart and build our house on rock and not on sand. That is also what Jesus is referring to when he speaks of a servant who works for his master even when his master is not there (Matthew 24:45 KJV). We must study the Word of God and seek knowledge and wisdom so that we can discern the snares that the enemy sets before us. We must grow in maturity to detect false doctrines or verses taken out of context and also to be able to know God’s will when we have a decision to make.

Jesus also told His disciples to be harmless as doves. The word translated as “harmless” in English comes from the Greek “akeraios” which also means: innocent, unmixed, without stain. It is a synonym for the word “teleios” which means: perfect, which has achieved its goal. That is not the first time that Jesus has asked us to be “perfect” (Matthew 5:48). We will all fall at times, but we should not accept remaining in sin. Those who have truly given their lives to God should have a deep desire to do God’s will and maintain holiness (1 John 3:3-10). By comparing us to the serpent and the dove, Jesus once again asks us to grow in our knowledge and refuse to live like the world.

In everyday life, of course, this means not just reading our Bible every day, but studying it daily to learn something new. Like the manna God sent to His people in the desert, God has lessons to teach us every day. Yesterday’s lesson may not be useful today. We need a new word from God every day, like our daily bread. But this word must not only stay in our heads, it must lead us to change our behavior and lead us to be more like Christ than the world around us. If our behavior is no different from that of the society in which we live, we need a good time of repentance. If we are as worried about the future as our colleagues; if we don’t keep our promises just like our parents; If we are as pessimistic as journalists, it is a sign that we need to rekindle the flame of our passion for Christ.

For a Christian who is dating, this means not neglecting our study of God’s Word during our time of investigation. The Word of God will allow us to discern what is hidden in the lives of others and help us know God’s will for every decision in our lives, big or small. The Holy Spirit is our ally in our relationships. It is also He who will help us to remain in holiness, to restrain the desires of our flesh, and to control our thoughts because all of this is what Jesus asks us to do.