Building the relationship

Dare to speak!

Yes, the prayer of the righteous is very effective. But sometimes God also asks us to use the beautiful voice He has given us to show His love, to express our needs and feelings, and to defend ourselves.

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Is a couple only two?

The story of Romeo and Juliet is very romantic. Their families hate each other, but nothing can extinguish their flame. Everyone wants a love that strong, but if you care about your life, or at least your inner peace, consider your family well!

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It's time to write a new chapter

It is important to take the time to reflect on our mistakes and to mourn certain unfortunate events in our lives. But you also have to know when it is necessary to close the previous chapter and start a new one.

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Sex after divorce

We had big dreams, and then the unimaginable happened: a divorce. After the dust has settled, the issue of sexuality resurfaces. If we are no longer virgins, do the principles of purity still apply?

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Monitor our attitude

Doing what God wants is very important. But God doesn’t want little robots. He also wants our actions to be accompanied by a good attitude.

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Disagreeing without being at war

God asks us to be peacemakers. For that, you don’t have to agree with everyone. We can disagree with someone without putting them down or demonizing them.

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Easily offended?

“Oh! His words are outrageous! His inaction hurts me!” Some people are sensitive and react strongly to all kinds of interactions. But beware, the feeling of being offended can hide pride.

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Setting goals...What's the point?

When we make plans and circumstances beyond our control render those plans beyond reach, it can be disheartening to make new ones. Yet we were not created to give up.

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Are you ready to receive your miracle?

When we plead with God for a favor, we imagine receiving our response beautifully wrapped, with stardust swirling around and violins. However, God’s miracles are not always beautiful.

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