Everyday life

4 tips to find sleep at night

Ah… a bad night! We had a hard day, and we couldn’t get to sleep. The problems have been multiplying lately, and the sleepless nights are coming one after the other. Here are some biblical tips that could help you.

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Live alone, okay. Isolate yourself, no!

Before, to be a hermit, you had to live in a wooden cabin and be self-sufficient. Today, with technology and home deliveries, we can go several days without any physical contact. But that’s not really what God wants.

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The Man of Proverbs 31

This well-known passage in the Bible is usually discussed in women’s conferences. After all, this chapter is about the virtuous woman. But by taking the time to study the passage carefully, we realize that it also speaks about men!

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Be like Jesus… everywhere!

Our Lord was perfect and constantly in unison with his Father. Seeking to be like Him is a task that seems impossible. But there are a few little attitudes of Jesus that are easier to adopt, and that’s a good place to start.

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Looking inward

Here is an exercise we sometimes do at the end of the year or the beginning. However, taking time for daily introspection is a great habit to get into.

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Enter into God's rest

We are solicited from all sides, so much so that we can forget to rest. Not only to rest our body but also our soul and our spirit. Yet God promises us that His rest is our strength.

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How to react to a breakup?

A few weeks ago, we gave you some tips on how to break up with grace and respect when a relationship does not work. Now, what if we are the ones getting the bad news?

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The destructive wave of anger

When we are angry, we are no longer rational. We may say or do things that we later regret. Anger is inevitable, but it must be tamed if we don’t want to drown in its destructive wave.

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The divine dictionary

In our human and limited vision, we often forget that the definition that God gives to certain notions is very different from ours. It is when we consult the “divine dictionary” that we find the right balance.

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Making a good first impression

Last week we were talking to the women, this week it’s the men’s turn. We want to be accepted and respected for who we are, but that doesn’t mean we can slack off. A little effort in our presentation is necessary.

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