The destructive wave of anger
When we are angry, we are no longer rational. We may say or do things that we later regret. Anger is inevitable, but it must be tamed if we don’t want to drown in its destructive wave.
When we are angry, we are no longer rational. We may say or do things that we later regret. Anger is inevitable, but it must be tamed if we don’t want to drown in its destructive wave.
In our human and limited vision, we often forget that the definition that God gives to certain notions is very different from ours. It is when we consult the “divine dictionary” that we find the right balance.
Last week we were talking to the women, this week it’s the men’s turn. We want to be accepted and respected for who we are, but that doesn’t mean we can slack off. A little effort in our presentation is necessary.
Because they are afraid of being judged, ridiculed, or scorned, some Christians do not dare to speak about their faith. They are the “secret agents” of Christianity. Yet testifying to our faith and preaching the Word need not be a daunting practice.
When a situation does not go the way we wanted, one of the first human reactions is to find someone responsible. And we are ready to blame anyone, even God!
Every beginning of the year comes with different challenges. Those to lose weight or get back in shape, those to save money or to realize our dreams. And there is also a popular challenge in the last few years, that of decluttering.
Starting a new project is relatively easy. What is difficult is to finish it. Even more. The ultimate challenge is to finish our project with grace and brilliance. To achieve this, the Bible is the reference tool par excellence!
Nobody likes to show their weaknesses. No one wants to admit their mistakes. Yet, God encourages us to remain humble and recognize our shortcomings. Are you able to do this?
When it is hot, our eyes perceive puddles on the roads. However, advancing on the road, we realize that nothing is wet. It was just a mirage. Our reasoning can be in error and in all areas of our lives!
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