Inner growth

God prefers obedience

Sometimes we try to hide a sin by good actions, or we justify our misconduct by spiritualizing it. But that does not please God because He always prefers obedience.

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6 essentials to protect

Our dating time is not a risk-free project. We must not go head first without protecting certain essential parts of our lives.

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Are you a burden or a relief for others?

On our social media, we find grumpy cats extremely cute. But when it comes to a cat that we have to take care of, and he stubbornly refuses our care it’s less cute. It’s even a burden. Are you the same?

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Getting out of a relationship with grace

The time of dating is there to see if we are ready to live with this person forever. Sometimes we realize, no, this relationship can not continue. So how to break up with someone while minimizing the damage?

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How to revisit the past without falling back?

When we decided to follow Jesus, we also abandoned certain destructive habits. But what if our old friends come back to visit us? How to stay the course?

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Open my eyes, Lord!

“Open the eyes of my heart…”, says the popular song by Paul Baloche. And we sing it at the top of our lungs. But do we make it a prayer? We can be so distracted by the mundane that we forget about eternity.

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When a blessing becomes a stumbling block

Our Heavenly Father is so generous. When we follow His ways, He leads us into wonderful blessings. But let’s be careful, if we don’t take good care of these beautiful fruits of God, they can rot and poison our lives.

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Witnesses to its splendor

Everything God has created is wonderful. It is a way to remind us of God’s love and power. But we are His creation aswell: does our life lead those around us to praise God?

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The need for a mentor

We live in a world of information. We swim in an abundance of knowledge. So much so that we no longer see the need for a mentor. Yet the Bible strongly encourages this practice.

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3 signs that confirm that you are filled with the Holy Spirit

“Is that what a Christian is?” Some unbelievers sometimes doubt when looking at the lives of those who claim to be born again. To truly be Christ-like, we have no other options: we must be filled with the Holy Spirit.

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