Inner growth

Welcoming God's correction

The idea of ​​“correction” is not seen as a positive experience for most of us, and has been since childhood. Yet God’s righteous correction can be so beneficial. It should not be avoided.

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Guest at the King's table

At a business dinner, the most efficient or highest-ranking employees sit at the executive table. But at the table of God, it is our spiritual filiation that gives us a place of honor.

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His reign… over everything!

It is easy to think of God and recognize His reign when we are at our Sunday assembly. But during the week, at our work or during our leisure time, do we take the time to recognize His sovereignty?

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The deafening voice of fear

How many bad decisions do we make because we react to fear? Fear of losing, of missing out, of being judged by others… Watch out! The voice of fear can bury the voice of the Holy Spirit and steal our peace.

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Doing what feels good to us

It is one of the first sentences that a child formulates. “Me able”, a toddler will say, rebuffing their parent’s help with dressing, eating, or bathing. Even adults, we too often keep this annoying attitude.

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The ability to finish what you start

Classic scenario: we are starting to clean our kitchen, and we get a call from a friend. An hour later, our cleaning has not progressed. Being able to finish what we undertake is nevertheless an essential asset for success.

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Monitor our attitude

Doing what God wants is very important. But God doesn’t want little robots. He also wants our actions to be accompanied by a good attitude.

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Easily offended?

“Oh! His words are outrageous! His inaction hurts me!” Some people are sensitive and react strongly to all kinds of interactions. But beware, the feeling of being offended can hide pride.

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Conquer our fears

When we are dating, we are often afraid that this relationship will end dramatically. So we are walking on eggshells. However, if we fix our eyes on the Lord, we will find the courage to be ourselves.

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