Passion for God

Ask instead of assuming

How many times have you come to a conclusion about a situation, or worse, about a person, without even asking a few questions to see if your assumptions were valid? We have all made this mistake. It’s time to put a stop to that.

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When we don't know what to pray

Sometimes we are angry with our partner, or just plain sad and disappointed, and we don’t even know why. We want to pray about it, but we don’t know what to ask. That is where the Holy Spirit can help us.

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Become more like Christ

Our Christian life does not stop at our prayer of salvation! That is where it all begins. Then we are called to become disciples of Christ and help new believers to become disciples themselves. Come on! To work!

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If you are going to do something, do it with excellence!

It is easy to drag our feet and fall into neglect in different areas of our lives. But negligence attracts negligence. So it pays to roll up our sleeves, listen to the way of the Holy Spirit, and act with excellence.

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Leaving the past behind

Jesus died on the cross and was buried, but He didn’t stay there. We celebrate Easter to remind ourselves that Jesus has risen, that He is alive, and that we too can live in His resurrection.

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We love to talk a lot about God’s love, peace, and favor. And all of this is true! But we must not forget that we are also soldiers on a mission to destroy the works of the devil!

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Be ready for the return of Jesus

Several times in His ministry, Jesus told His disciples to be ready for the end so as not to miss the coming of the glory of God. Hundreds of years later, that message still applies. And we, are we ready?

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We make a difference

When we give our lives to God, we become members of the same Body. And we are not united only on Sunday mornings! Even the decisions we make during the week, alone at home, have an impact on the Body of Christ.

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Sorry enough to change

Are we ready to turn our backs on sin and follow Jesus? He will give us the strength to do what He has called us to do.

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Back to basics

We can easily get lost in theological debates and very complex doctrinal questions. Expanding our Bible knowledge is great practice, but sometimes it’s good to go back to basics: loving God.

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