
Be wise and harmless, because Jesus asks us to

It is rare in the Bible that we read about the great qualities of a serpent! So when Jesus asks us to imitate them, it should surprise us enough to make us think. What does this passage teach us?

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How can we plan our vacations while we are dating?

When we are dating, we are not yet married! So we don’t have to plan our vacations like couples around the world do. For God to bless our relationship, you don’t have to take a vacation from your standards!

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A temptation sent by God?

Certain passages in the Bible sometimes seem contradictory. To understand, we must really study the passages, and what we then discover is a real gem.

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“Chemistry” in a Christian Context

We sometimes hear singles talk about their past relationships saying, “She was wonderful, but there was no chemistry between us”. What is this “chemistry” and do we really have to rely on it when we are Christian?

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The good fear

We know that living in fear is not God’s plan for our lives. Our Heavenly Father wants to see us fulfilled and free. But the Bible still encourages us to have a fear, that of the Lord. You have to be afraid of God? Not quite.

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Having a chaperone ... is it relevant?

The young couples that date under the eye of a chaperone is rare. By the way, it’s not even a Bible practice. Yet in many Christian circles, we still hear about it. So, do we leave that in the past, or is it still wise to use it?

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We love to talk a lot about God’s love, peace, and favor. And all of this is true! But we must not forget that we are also soldiers on a mission to destroy the works of the devil!

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The bad reasons for wanting to get married

Anything we try to build on a bad foundation can only collapse with time and hardships. That is also the case for marriage. So it is better to think about our motivations for getting married before making a commitment before God.

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Beware: everyone is watching you!

We are adults, we have the right to do whatever we want, and we don’t want anyone to judge us. Unfortunately, that popular attitude is not one that a child of God should have, for at least two reasons.

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When resisting is too difficult...

We are often put to the test in our Christian walk; We must resist all sorts of temptations. However, sometimes resisting is too hard. Then we have to turn to Plan B.

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