
6 essentials to protect

Our dating time is not a risk-free project. We must not go head first without protecting certain essential parts of our lives.

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What to do with a boyfriend's best friend?

The woman is discouraged. The man she is dating seems to put his best friend before her. However, the man says he is really in love with her. Should she give him an ultimatum: “Me or your friend?”

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Getting out of a relationship with grace

The time of dating is there to see if we are ready to live with this person forever. Sometimes we realize, no, this relationship can not continue. So how to break up with someone while minimizing the damage?

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Forgive and be reconciled

What he did broke your heart. You must forgive him, as Christ has prescribed. But to forgive him, must he apologize? And if the relationship between you two changes, does that mean you have not forgiven?

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