Are you ready to receive your miracle?

By Caro December 23, 2021

When we plead with God for a favor, we imagine receiving our response beautifully wrapped, with stardust swirling around and violins. However, God’s miracles are not always beautiful.

God had told His people this before entering the Promised Land. If His children would obey Him, they would have a peaceful life and an abundant provision. But if they disobeyed His commandments, they would be subject to oppressive kings, and their lives would be difficult. However, before they even made a bad decision, God also told them that when they sin, they would be in a miserable state. Then if they returned to God with all their heart, He would send a Savior to redeem them. And this promise was taught from generation to generation, keeping the hope of this Savior coming.

But as in all the stories we can imagine, they too imagined the arrival of a glorious man, seated royally on a majestic horse, powerfully overthrowing all Roman authorities. It’s a spectacular deliverance they’ve been waiting for. No wonder, then, that they did not notice the arrival of Jesus, let alone His mission. Despite the astonishing announcement of an angel to Mary, and of a dream to Joseph, the arrival of Jesus was not easy. She had to bear this child for nine months (and any pregnant woman will tell you that pregnancy is never easy). This divine pregnancy almost broke Mary’s union with Joseph: he was ready to end their engagement in secret. She would have been stoned for being pregnant before her marriage. And what about the time of birth! It was the Son of God, and His heavenly Father couldn’t even find a place for Him in a hotel? Even in the first years of Jesus' life, the family had to move to Egypt because the child was threatened with death.

Jesus was, however, the miracle expected of all. But this miracle did not come in a beautiful package. This miracle was accompanied by suffering, misunderstanding, and isolation. Have you considered this? Maybe the miracle you had been waiting for is not as beautiful as you had imagined. Perhaps your fabulous love story comes with its share of suffering, misunderstandings, and isolation.

The perfect wife you imagined meeting might have a few extra pounds, her hair is always messy, her past is a little complicated. She isn’t the woman you imagined, but she could be your miracle if you persevere in your relationship with her. Maybe the husband you were expecting doesn’t have a prestigious profession and your parents are disappointed that he is not a lawyer or a doctor. He might not be the man you imagined, but he could be your miracle if you persevere in your relationship with him. Maybe you would have liked a good cook and she burns her eggs! Perhaps you have dreamed of marrying a pastor, but he enjoys serving God by taking care of the sound console on Sunday mornings.

Will you be able to recognize your miracle in the person in front of you? Or are you too intoxicated with your dreams? Are you ready to receive this miracle with the challenges that come with it? Or do you think everything is easy when you are in a relationship with the right person? Well no! To appreciate your miracle, remember that God often blesses us with gifts that also have their challenges.