
The danger of being perfect

Always striving for excellence is a great thing. But demanding perfection in all things is not only hard on our mental health, but it can also break or abort a romantic relationship.

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Marry a divorced person?

God begins by guiding us into His perfect plan with His biblical principles. Then come our faults and those of others; pain and broken heart. But this is not the end. God’s perfect plan includes healing, forgiveness, and resurrection.

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Differentiate between feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation

“There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” We hear this often in churches that preach grace. So when we feel guilty, should we refuse that feeling? Not necessarily!

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How to react to a breakup?

A few weeks ago, we gave you some tips on how to break up with grace and respect when a relationship does not work. Now, what if we are the ones getting the bad news?

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Dating someone with a complicated past

She had several partners and just as many abortions. He used to be homosexual. They then accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and their lives changed. But they have a heavy past. Can this complicate your relationship?

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Easily offended?

“Oh! His words are outrageous! His inaction hurts me!” Some people are sensitive and react strongly to all kinds of interactions. But beware, the feeling of being offended can hide pride.

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