Passion for God

In summary, gratitude and reverence

Reading the first chapter of Romans, we understand that our eternal salvation and daily well-being are summed up in “who” we choose to revere and to whom we give our gratitude.

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Being Filled with the Holy Spirit Everyday

As Christians, we often imagine that being filled with the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience. It can be emotional or not. But we should ask God to fill us with His Holy Spirit regularly.

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You will not regret it.

Following what God says, especially in ​​relationships, can be difficult and even frustrating when we see that unbelieving couples date each other without restraint. But don’t give up: you will be happy that you have kept your standards.

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Capricious hearts

Because we are human and our flesh does not like to be disciplined, we can sometimes become lax, slowing down our progress in faith. The important thing is not to wait until it is too late to return to Christ.

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Be wise and harmless, because Jesus asks us to

It is rare in the Bible that we read about the great qualities of a serpent! So when Jesus asks us to imitate them, it should surprise us enough to make us think. What does this passage teach us?

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Are you trustworthy?

Any good Christian will answer “Of course”! By trying to be a “good person,” we automatically think we are trustworthy. However, there are many small actions that we take that can put barriers in our relationships.

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The book of Deuteronomy is Moses' last pep-talk before Israel enters the Promised Land. His speech often repeats the same advice: “Remember”. If we want to make sure to have success in our new chapter, maybe we should apply this message too!

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Do you take the time to think?

Children are impulsive. Often parents have to stop them by saying: “Think about what you are doing!” As adults, are we very different from them? Yet God’s Word says that our success lies in these moments of reflection.

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When God doesn't answer

We ask God for a particular solution, and we get silence. We can even end up asking: “Where is God?” No one can explain all the reasons for these silences, but here are some ideas to encourage you.

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A balanced spiritual life

Like a good gardener, God is not only concerned with the seed that is His Word but also with the soil of our hearts, with the watering of His Spirit, etc. For healthy spiritual growth, we need both knowledge and experience.

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