
When God doesn't answer

We ask God for a particular solution, and we get silence. We can even end up asking: “Where is God?” No one can explain all the reasons for these silences, but here are some ideas to encourage you.

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A practice for heaven

The Bible doesn’t tell us much about heaven or what we will do during our eternity with God. But one thing is certain, we will always be in the Presence of God. Are you ready for this?

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Pray for others. it’s good for you!

Do you do this? We sometimes have difficulty finding time to talk with God, let alone intercede for others. Yet, it is not only our duty, it is also very beneficial for our spiritual growth!

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Ask instead of assuming

How many times have you come to a conclusion about a situation, or worse, about a person, without even asking a few questions to see if your assumptions were valid? We have all made this mistake. It’s time to put a stop to that.

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When we don't know what to pray

Sometimes we are angry with our partner, or just plain sad and disappointed, and we don’t even know why. We want to pray about it, but we don’t know what to ask. That is where the Holy Spirit can help us.

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