
Capricious hearts

Because we are human and our flesh does not like to be disciplined, we can sometimes become lax, slowing down our progress in faith. The important thing is not to wait until it is too late to return to Christ.

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A balanced spiritual life

Like a good gardener, God is not only concerned with the seed that is His Word but also with the soil of our hearts, with the watering of His Spirit, etc. For healthy spiritual growth, we need both knowledge and experience.

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To be satisfied with our lives

We rarely think about our death. We do everything to avoid it! But sometimes it is good to stop and examine the direction of our life. If we would die now, would we be satisfied with what we leave behind?

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Conquer our fears

When we are dating, we are often afraid that this relationship will end dramatically. So we are walking on eggshells. However, if we fix our eyes on the Lord, we will find the courage to be ourselves.

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