
How can we plan our vacations while we are dating?

When we are dating, we are not yet married! So we don’t have to plan our vacations like couples around the world do. For God to bless our relationship, you don’t have to take a vacation from your standards!

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Are you trustworthy?

Any good Christian will answer “Of course”! By trying to be a “good person,” we automatically think we are trustworthy. However, there are many small actions that we take that can put barriers in our relationships.

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The book of Deuteronomy is Moses' last pep-talk before Israel enters the Promised Land. His speech often repeats the same advice: “Remember”. If we want to make sure to have success in our new chapter, maybe we should apply this message too!

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Do you take the time to think?

Children are impulsive. Often parents have to stop them by saying: “Think about what you are doing!” As adults, are we very different from them? Yet God’s Word says that our success lies in these moments of reflection.

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When God doesn't answer

We ask God for a particular solution, and we get silence. We can even end up asking: “Where is God?” No one can explain all the reasons for these silences, but here are some ideas to encourage you.

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A balanced spiritual life

Like a good gardener, God is not only concerned with the seed that is His Word but also with the soil of our hearts, with the watering of His Spirit, etc. For healthy spiritual growth, we need both knowledge and experience.

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The Man of Proverbs 31

This well-known passage in the Bible is usually discussed in women’s conferences. After all, this chapter is about the virtuous woman. But by taking the time to study the passage carefully, we realize that it also speaks about men!

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Be like Jesus… everywhere!

Our Lord was perfect and constantly in unison with his Father. Seeking to be like Him is a task that seems impossible. But there are a few little attitudes of Jesus that are easier to adopt, and that’s a good place to start.

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Breaking the cycle of vengeance

No one needs to teach us the law of retaliation (an eye for an eye). Our flesh is only satisfied when our aggressor becomes a victim. But this avenue only produces more retaliation. God has another path for us.

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What God is doing behind the scenes

We have been waiting for the answer to our prayer for a very long time. Has God forgotten us? Why is He not acting? Frustration can build quickly. What if God was working…out of our field of vision?

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