Pastor Beaudry

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit Everyday

As Christians, we often imagine that being filled with the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience. It can be emotional or not. But we should ask God to fill us with His Holy Spirit regularly.

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Capricious hearts

Because we are human and our flesh does not like to be disciplined, we can sometimes become lax, slowing down our progress in faith. The important thing is not to wait until it is too late to return to Christ.

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A balanced spiritual life

Like a good gardener, God is not only concerned with the seed that is His Word but also with the soil of our hearts, with the watering of His Spirit, etc. For healthy spiritual growth, we need both knowledge and experience.

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Contentment… it’s something we learn!

It’s good to have ambition, but we must not live in the doldrums until these dreams are accomplished. Our joy needs to come from our salvation. Our sense of satisfaction must depend on our relationship with God.

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Infinitely more

The wait can seem long… so long that we wonder if God has forgotten us. But when we think it’s too late for our miracle, God surprises us with a solution that is more miraculous than we imagined!

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When we don't know what to pray

Sometimes we are angry with our partner, or just plain sad and disappointed, and we don’t even know why. We want to pray about it, but we don’t know what to ask. That is where the Holy Spirit can help us.

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Become more like Christ

Our Christian life does not stop at our prayer of salvation! That is where it all begins. Then we are called to become disciples of Christ and help new believers to become disciples themselves. Come on! To work!

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How to stay pure

It is not easy to give up our desires, by denying our flesh. Of course, we want to remain in God’s good graces, but the challenge is great. Fortunately, the Bible gives us the solution to this.

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