Passion for God

Remember your promises

“Remember your word to your servant, because you gave me hope” (Psalms 119:49 WEB). We love to remind God of all the promises He makes to us. But what about the promises WE make?

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Infinitely more

The wait can seem long… so long that we wonder if God has forgotten us. But when we think it’s too late for our miracle, God surprises us with a solution that is more miraculous than we imagined!

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An update on our love for Christ?

What has your devotional time been like lately? Do you spend loving times with Jesus or, if you find time to pray, is it out of obligation? Sometimes it’s good to stop and evaluate our hearts.

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Enter into God's rest

We are solicited from all sides, so much so that we can forget to rest. Not only to rest our body but also our soul and our spirit. Yet God promises us that His rest is our strength.

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Differentiate between feelings of guilt, shame, and condemnation

“There is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” We hear this often in churches that preach grace. So when we feel guilty, should we refuse that feeling? Not necessarily!

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Change for good

After a painful failure or a motivating sermon, we often decide to change this or that. But most of the time it doesn’t last. Why do our bad habits come back?

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Pray for others. it’s good for you!

Do you do this? We sometimes have difficulty finding time to talk with God, let alone intercede for others. Yet, it is not only our duty, it is also very beneficial for our spiritual growth!

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God prefers obedience

Sometimes we try to hide a sin by good actions, or we justify our misconduct by spiritualizing it. But that does not please God because He always prefers obedience.

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The good fear

We know that living in fear is not God’s plan for our lives. Our Heavenly Father wants to see us fulfilled and free. But the Bible still encourages us to have a fear, that of the Lord. You have to be afraid of God? Not quite.

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Going nowhere

We look at the walls of our bedroom, and we start dreaming. And if we had more of this, or more of that. Now, if we believe that having more will get us anywhere, we ought to study the story of Solomon.

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