Passion for God

Do you see it?

We are so easily distracted. We have a project to finish, but we get lost in the short videos our social media offers us. No wonder that we also lose sight of the Kingdom of God around us.

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The importance of our new identity

Life can go by so quickly that we sometimes forget who we really are. We take all kinds of titles that we believe are important. Yet it is our identity in Christ that silences our worries.

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Do you feel qualified for this?

When we place our lives in God’s hands and are willing to serve Him where He desires, He sometimes gives us challenges that seem beyond our abilities. But let us rest assured: if He calls us, He also equips us for success.

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Prepare the way, straighten His paths

We are all waiting for an answer from God in one area or another in our lives. If we have faith that He will answer, we must prove it by preparing our hearts to receive this blessing.

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How to stay pure

It is not easy to give up our desires, by denying our flesh. Of course, we want to remain in God’s good graces, but the challenge is great. Fortunately, the Bible gives us the solution to this.

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For generations to come

We have many dreams and get disappointed or even angry when they don’t come true. Rarely do we view all of this from an eternal perspective. However, life does not end with us.

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Jesus paid for it all

During a prayer meeting in 1865, Elvina Hall wrote a poem inspired by the redemptive power of Christ’s sacrifice. Her writing paired with the music of John Grape, the church organist, became a liberating hymn.

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To be satisfied with our lives

We rarely think about our death. We do everything to avoid it! But sometimes it is good to stop and examine the direction of our life. If we would die now, would we be satisfied with what we leave behind?

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Everything is going well

When we confidently say that everything is fine with us, it usually means that we have everything we want and that our plans are coming true. But does God have the same definition of well-being?

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Worry paralyzes

This challenge we face takes over our thoughts. So much so that it can prevent us from sleeping or finding appropriate solutions. Worry suffocates us: we have to get rid of it!

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